
Part 2: What Goes Into The Cost Of A Website Design? Content, Content, Content.

January 26, 2022

Outside of website development, content creation is the most important part of establishing and building a successful image online. Brand identity is shaped by the content organizations publish and market online and is measured by how successful they are at doing it.

Reputations and legacies are built on the back of great content, and having a content strategy firmly in place is a surefire way of securing your digital future.

Have you been looking to punch up your digital content? Reach out to us today!


How Do Organizations Create Content Based On Their Brand & Personality?

Organizations that have a firm grasp on their brand identities find it easier to build content strategies that have a clear vision. Branding and tone are the most important aspects of creating compelling content.

The world is moving full force into a digital-first culture that’s changing the way organizations — especially issue-focused nonprofits — communicate to the public. More and more organizations are communicating, fundraising, and utilizing online resources.

This means that content creation is going to play a much larger role moving forward as institutions, charities, and nonprofits transition towards establishing people-first content strategies that engage with growing audiences.

What Are The Costs Associated With Developing A Branding/Design Guide?

Creating a branding/design guide is something that a lot of organizations struggle with. It’s often tricky to relay a vision that fully incorporates a brand’s true identity. Marketing agencies help organizations to establish and develop branding/design guides. These guides are used by copywriters and web designers to create and publish content that’s in line with the client’s vision.

Below are the average costs associated with website branding:

  • Website Development: $10 – $75,000
  • Brandmark (Logo) Creation: $3,500 – $150,000
  • Website/Brand Marketing Materials: $10,000 – $250,000+

How Much Content Will The Designer Need To Gather?

Designers work with organizations to ascertain the amount of content that needs to be gathered. They connect with content outreach managers to develop content strategies that serve organizational directives and uphold the message of the brand.

Once designers, marketers, and branding managers have decided on a relevant content strategy, measurable objectives are put in place to achieve maximum success. Writers and designers work together in harmony to create a cohesive narrative and vision that reflects values and connects with target audiences.

Who Has Decision-Making Power On What To Keep, Edit, Or Add?

Content creation is a collaborative process that requires hard work and dedication across multiple teams. The decision-making power is always in the hands of the client who can decide to keep, add, or edit any content that doesn’t fall in line with their overall vision.

That being said, designers and copywriters add a lot of value to the projects they work on. Their skills and expertise can be measured through experience, knowledge, and understanding of the key concepts involved in the design/content creation process.

Are Experienced Designers & Content Writers Worth The Money?

Professional content creators have the power to transform brand images and tell stories through content that echoes the will of the public. While some organizations have a clear vision and policies that dictate daily operations and objectives, they find it difficult to create a brand image that truly resonates. Organizations and charities that have public-facing fundraising drives are encouraged to develop a content strategy that demonstrates objectives, goals, and intentions.

Experienced designers and content writers specialize in delivering content that reflects values. People working in these fields train for years perfecting their craft and delivering quality copy that is engaging, cohesive, and immersive.


The cost associated with great content is well worth the investment. It’s the first thing people see when they click on your website and is often the determining factor as to whether they decide to support your cause.

Investing in a competent, professional content creator ensures that organizations demonstrate the best overall perception to the world and helps to secure an audience in the growing world of digital.

Further reading and resources:

  1. Part 1: What Goes Into the Cost of a Website Design — The Basics
  2. Part 3: What Goes Into the Cost of a Website Design — Let’s Get Technical
  3. How To Create an Effective People-First Content Strategy
  4. How To: Designing Connection in the Digital Age