
Why Good Writing (by a Human!) Still Matters

June 26, 2024

We’re living in a time when AI tools can generate text in seconds. So, naturally, you might wonder why good writing still matters when building a website or creating content. It’s a fair question. After all, nonprofit organizations often work with tight budgets and limited resources. But here’s the thing: no matter how advanced technology becomes, it’s hard to mimic a more personal touch. 

The Heart of Your Message

When communicating your mission, vision, and values, few things beat a well-crafted piece of writing. Nonprofits rely on their ability to connect, inspire, and drive people to action. Good writing does more than merely share information – it tells a story, evokes emotion, and builds relationships. 

The work you do is likely quite layered. A generic, AI-generated text might get the facts right, but it’ll lack the passion and nuance that a human writer brings. It’s the difference between reading a textbook and listening to a compelling personal story.

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3 Ways Human Writers Outshine AI

Emotional Connection

Humans understand humans best. When you’re sharing a heartfelt story about someone your nonprofit has supported, a human writer knows how to pull at the heartstrings. A good storyteller can choose the right words to convey compassion, hope, and urgency. AI can generate words, but it can’t truly understand or feel emotions. This emotional connection is vital for nonprofits, as it drives donations, volunteer sign-ups, and overall support.

Let’s say you’re telling a story about a child whose life was changed by your program. A person can capture the child’s personality, struggles, and triumphs in a way that makes readers feel like they know the child personally. A story like that can inspire people to act.

Cultural Sensitivity and Awareness

Our world is filled with varying cultures, traditions, and perspectives. A human writer brings cultural sensitivity and awareness to their work. They understand how certain words or phrases might be read by different audiences. This is crucial for nonprofits that work with diverse communities or aim to reach a global audience.

AI, on the other hand, might miss these nuances, leading to awkward or potentially biased content. A phrase that’s perfectly acceptable in one culture might be inappropriate in another. A human writer can navigate these complexities, ensuring your message is respectful and inclusive.

Creative Problem-Solving

Writing isn’t just about putting words on a page. It’s about solving problems and thinking creatively. Writers can brainstorm new ways to present information, craft compelling narratives, and find unique angles to make your content stand out. They offer creativity and originality that AI simply can’t match.

Let’s say your nonprofit is facing a challenge with engaging a younger audience on a lesser-known issue.  A writer could more easily craft a piece of copy based on their understanding of your target demographic. They can play with different formats, tones, and styles to find what resonates best with your audience.

Keeping a Human Touch in a Digital World

While AI tools can certainly aid in content creation, they should complement, not replace, human writers and/or editors. Here are a few ways to maintain the human touch in your content:

  • Use AI as a Starting Point: AI can be a great tool for generating ideas, outlines, or even first drafts. However, you’ll want to bring in an editor to refine and polish the final piece to ensure it aligns with your nonprofit’s voice and values. Think of AI as a helpful assistant, but not the final authority.
  • Prioritize Personal Stories: Make personal stories a cornerstone of your content strategy. These stories highlight the real impact of your work and create an emotional connection with your audience. An in-house writer would excel at capturing the essence of these stories and presenting them in a compelling way.
  • Invest in Professional Development: Keep your writing team sharp by investing in their professional development. Encourage them to stay up-to-date with the latest writing trends, attend workshops, and continuously hone their skills. This investment will pay off in the form of high-quality, engaging content that truly resonates with your audience.

Final Word

In a world where technology is constantly evolving, the importance of good writing remains constant. For nonprofits, effective communication is the key to success. While AI tools can assist, they can’t replace the creativity, empathy, and cultural awareness that skilled writers and editors bring to the table. So, do keep exploring AI if you wish, but our recommendation: Don’t stop investing in good in-house writers and editors.


Further reading and resources:

  1. AI Can Be Biased, Even Discriminatory — But It’s Not Its Fault

2.  3 “Starter” AI Tools for Nonprofits