
Build Your Nonprofit’s Dream Website

February 14, 2024

So, you’re ready to take the plunge and build a website for your organization. Or maybe give your old one a fresh new look? Awesome! Having a killer website is like having a superhero cape for your cause. It helps you fly higher and reach more people than ever before. 

But where do you start? Don’t worry, we’ve got your back. We’ve put together a handy guide on what to include when designing your nonprofit webpage.

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Key Ingredients

  • Mission and Impact: First things first, your website should shout your mission from the digital rooftops. Make sure it’s front and center, loud and proud, so visitors know exactly what you’re all about. Don’t forget to let people know how their support is making a difference in the world.
  • Clear Navigation: Nobody has time for a confusing website. Make sure your navigation is crystal clear, with easy-to-find links to all the important stuff, like your programs, events, and how to get involved. Bonus points if you include a search bar to help people find what they’re looking for even faster.
  • Compelling Content: People don’t just want to read a bunch of boring text. They want to be inspired, moved, and entertained. Use compelling visuals, like photos and videos, to bring your mission to life. And don’t be afraid to share stories of the people you’re helping. Stories make your cause feel more real and relatable.
  • Calls to Action: Want people to donate, volunteer, or join your mailing list? Then you’ve gotta tell them what to do. Include clear calls to action throughout your website, encouraging visitors to take the next step and get involved. Make it easy for them with buttons and links that stand out and are easy to click on.
  • Impact Metrics: Show me the numbers! People want to know that their time, money, or energy is making a difference. So be sure to include some snazzy impact metrics on your website. For example, share how many meals you’ve served, how many trees you’ve planted, or how many lives you’ve changed. It’ll help build trust and credibility with your supporters.
  • Donor Recognition: Your donors are the real MVPs, so make sure you give them the recognition they deserve. Consider including a donor wall or list on your website, thanking them for their generosity and showing them how much they mean to your organization. And don’t forget to update it regularly – nobody likes feeling unappreciated.
  • Mobile Optimization: Let’s face it, we’re all glued to our phones these days. It’s why you should make sure your website looks just as good on a tiny screen as it does on a big one. That means using responsive design techniques to optimize your site for mobile devices, so people can access your awesomeness wherever they are.
  • Accessibility: Everyone deserves to access your website, regardless of their abilities. Be sure to design with accessibility in mind, using things like alt text for images, descriptive link text, and clear, easy-to-read fonts and colors. It’s not just the right thing to do – it may also be the law where you live.
  • Contact Information: Last, but not least, make it easy for people to get in touch with you. Do include your contact information, like your email address, phone number, and social media links on every page of your website. And consider adding a contact form for those who prefer to reach out that way.


So there you have it – the essential ingredients for a stellar nonprofit website. Just remember, building a website is like building a house. It takes time, effort, and a whole lot of love. But with the right tools and a little bit of elbow grease, you’ll have a digital home that’s sure to make your cause shine. Happy building!

Further reading and resources:

  1. How-To: Using Video for Effective Nonprofit Website Engagement
  2. 5 Tips for Successfully Working with a Website Design Committee (Without Losing your Mind!)
  3. If You Still Haven’t Made Your Website More Accessible, You Need to Read This