
8 Tips on How to Write Content for the Web

December 20, 2021

Want visitors to your site to stay longer, engage with more of your content, and take action as a result? Writing content designed for the web is key. There’s no point in uploading an academic essay or a hard-to-follow report and expecting to see results. Instead, you should be creating content that’s clear, scannable, and tells readers exactly what to do next. Get started with the essential tips below.

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Don’t Write a Wall of Text

If you want to write engaging content for the web, you’ll need to deliver your message in bitesize chunks, not long paragraphs. Most people will see a wall of text and immediately scroll past it, regardless of how interesting the content might be.

Do Use Headings, Lists, and Bullet Points

Make your content easy to scan by breaking it into short sections and including clear headings and subheadings. These allow readers to skip to exactly what they’re interested in, with no time wasted.

Lists and bullet points are another great way to deliver information quickly and easily. These elements are known as pieces of microcontent, and they’re an excellent way to engage readers.

Don’t Use Complicated or Academic Language

Remember that the average reader might not know much about your industry or topic, and avoid obscure acronyms or complex academic language. Instead, aim to write content that anyone could understand, with no prior background knowledge needed. Avoid flowery language — you’re not writing for a creative writing class!

Do Use Plain English

Sticking to plain English is the best way to get your message across in a clear and accessible way, no matter who’s reading. It also makes your site more accessible to non-native speakers, expanding your audience.

Don’t Link to Competitor Sites

Want to add links to back up statistics or take a deeper dive into certain topics? Avoid linking to competitors where possible, as you risk losing your reader to them and increasing your bounce rate. Instead, find sources that you aren’t in direct competition with, or link back to your own site.

Do Include Links Back to Your Own Site

Once you’ve got a visitor to your site, you should aim to keep them around for as long as possible. Linking to related content is an excellent way to do this. You could add links in your text to back up points, or in a section at the end titled something like, “Other Posts You Might Enjoy.” Link to posts that are related but not too similar to one another — they should all offer distinct value to the reader.

Do Write a Conclusion

Worried that a conclusion could seem redundant or boring? This doesn’t have to be the case. Avoid conclusions that just rephrase what you’ve already said, and make sure they add value and encourage action instead.

Do Encourage the Reader to Take Action

Use your conclusion to drive home the core message of your post, then encourage the reader to take action. Look at your content as a piece of persuasive writing that’s been leading up to this point, and ensure that every section is relevant and effective. Wrap up with a simple, specific action your reader can take straight away, like “Sign up to our mailing list for updates.”

Good web content reduces your bounce rate, keeps visitors on your site for longer, and encourages them to take action.

Further reading and resources:

  1. How To Write Engaging Content for the Web
  2. Microcontent Packs a Punch
  3. Five Ways To Reduce Your Bounce Rate