
6 Website Design Trends to Watch Out for in 2018

May 30, 2018

According to the 2016 Charitable Giving Report from Blackbaud, online donations rose by nearly eight percent from the previous year. It is estimated that around seven percent of all fundraising revenue now comes from online sources, and this number is rising all the time. It is clear that the quality of nonprofit websites around the world is increasing — and this is having a positive effect on fundraising initiatives.

If you want your nonprofit to stay ahead of the online curve, it’s important to be aware of 2018’s biggest website design trends.

1. Grid Layouts

Grid layouts are going to be everywhere in the nonprofit sector during 2018. But there will be a shift towards broken, asymmetrical layouts that look unusual and distinctive. A lot of websites were beginning to look similar, as they were all using the same design principles. Now, however, nonprofits and big businesses are realizing that broken grid layouts can make a website look unique.

2. Page Transitions

Rather than using static web pages that can look generic, more and more nonprofits are implementing stylish page transitions on their websites. Using a combination of animation, video and interactivity, these pages “jump” from the screen — creating unique user experiences that make a lasting impression.

3. Bold Typography

The clever use of typography can make sites featuring lots of content easier to navigate and much more appealing to the visitor. A combination of various fonts, colors and animations can guide the visitor on a journey of discovery. This technique is a great way of splitting information into easily-consumed chunks, and it can also make navigation easier. The Goldhirsch Foundation has used typography to great effect.

4. Integrated Animations

The days of static images and animations are long gone. The emphasis now is on making messages come to life with the use of integrated animations. Animations can be programmed to begin at specific times, such as when the user scrolls down the page, or when a cursor is moved to a specific area. Executed correctly, a well-integrated animation can make the user feel like part of the story being told. And this technology is also effective at drawing attention to the most pertinent information.

5. Made for Mobile

According to comScore, more than 70 percent of Internet browsing took place on mobile devices during 2017. Just a year or two ago, websites were made for desktop, and scaled down for phones and tablets — but the opposite is now becoming the norm. Crucially, Google is now giving websites optimized for mobile with technology such as AMP higher rankings.

Websites are being designed primarily for mobile devices, and then scaled up for desktops. The ability to scroll around a website easily on a handheld device is crucial for nonprofit websites, as it is often the difference between a failed conversion and a sizable donation. The Oxfam UK mobile website is a great example of how web usability is crucial to online fundraising initiatives.

6. Cinemagraphs

A cinemagraph is a hybrid presentation featuring photos, video and animation. This design technique brings a website to life, and immediately engages the visitor with striking imagery that tells its own story. The Concern charity uses cinemagraphs to draw visitors into its cause from the moment they land on the site.

Nonprofit organizations and businesses alike have to ensure their websites are right at the cutting edge of new technologies. Those that are will stand out from the crowd and thrive.